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Recipe of Homemade Jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo

Hello everybody, welcome to our recipe site, if you're looking for Jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo recipe, look no further! We provide you only the perfect Jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo recipe here. We also have wide variety of recipes to try.

Jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo

Before you jump to Jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo recipe, you may want to read this short interesting healthy tips about Stamina Enhancing Snacks.

Wholesome eating encourages a feeling of health and wellbeing. When we eat more healthy meals and a lesser amount of of the bad ones we typically feel much better. Eating more vegetables helps you feel a lot better than eating a slice of pizza. This can be a problem, however, when it comes to eating between meals. You can spend numerous hours at the grocery store searching for an ideal snack foods to help you feel healthy. There's nothing like one of these healthy foods if you want an energy-boosting treat.

If you're looking for a fast snack, you can't go wrong with a whole grain one. A slice of whole wheat toast, for example is a great snack in the morning. When you need a fast treat on your way out the door, never forget to look for whole grain chips, pretzels, and crackers. Whole grains are usually better than highly processed grains found in white bread.

You will find lots of healthy snack foods you can choose that do not involve a lot of preparation or searching. Deciding to live a healthy life style can be as simple as you want it to be.

We hope you got benefit from reading it, now let's go back to jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo recipe. To make jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo you need 3 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

The ingredients needed to make Jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo:

  1. Take 1 cup of roasted chana dal.
  2. Use 3/4 cup of jaggery.
  3. Use 1 tablespoon of water.

Steps to make Jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo:

  1. Take a kadhai or a pan, heat the stove on low flame.Add water one tablespoon, then add jaggery. Let it melt on low flame. Stir in between..
  2. After the jaggery is melted completely, carefully (as it's hot) take a little jaggery in hand and check ladoo shape can be formed. If it forms then time to add chana dal in karahi. Or if it doesn't forms then check again after 2 to 3 minutes till then stir continuously on low flame. By the time it's done..
  3. Then add chana dal in karahi. Mix properly. Switch off the heat. Quickly start making ladoo by applying 2 to 3 drops of water on palm as it's hot. This process is to be done carefully as if mixture cools down jaggery would turn hard and ladoo will not be able to form and again we have to heat the jaggery on low flame. So carefully can be done..
  4. Make the ladoo and once the ladoo cools down, it will form nicely..
  5. Both the INGREDIENTS are very good for health and tasty also..

Keep the flame low/medium and keep stirring continuously till the jaggery gets dissolved. Let it boil so that jaggery dissolves completely. Add filtered jaggery syrup to a pan and let it boil well. In a bowl of water, add few drops to check. These ladoos are made from roasted chana flour, jaggery and ghee.

If you find this Jaggery and roasted chana dal ladoo recipe helpful please share it to your good friends or family, thank you and good luck.

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